We Repair & Maintain Computer Systems...
We repair all brands of laptops, PCs and mobile tablet devices. At Crystal Computer repair centre our professional team can analyse and provide fast and effective solution to your computer problems. We deliver complete technical care and maintenance of computer systems. In our computer repair centre we help and advice our customers with latest technology solutions, we offer technical support plans to keep your existing computer device running secure and on its best performance.

Antivirus Security System
We provide full internet security package, to help protect your system against virus infections and other internet theft.

Computer Virus Removal
In our computer workshop we specialise in system security and virus removal, making your system work again after any malware infection.

Computer Maintenance
Our professional team will fully test and optimise your computer system performance with latest security patches and application updates.

Laptop & Tablet Screen Repair
We repair all known brands of laptop and tablet cracked or damaged screens, we deliver only quality replacement parts.